
联系电话 :
E-mail :xljbit@bit.edu.cn
办公地点 :3号教学楼130
- 所在学科力学、兵器工程
- 研究方向冲击动力学、3D打印先进防护材料与结构设计、毁伤效应评估
- 教育背景2008年9月—2012年7月 北京理工大学机电学院 工程力学专业 本科
2012年9月—2013年6月 北京理工大学机电学院 力学专业 硕士
2013年9月—2018年6月 北京理工大学机电学院 力学专业 博士 - 工作经历2018年7月—2020年12月 北京理工大学兵器科学与技术博士后流动站 博士后
2018年12月—2020年4月 新加坡国立大学工学院 博士后
2021年1月—至今 北京理工大学机电学院 特别副研究员 - 学术成果
1. Li Shi, Zhu Huaguang, Feng Genzhu, Xiao Lijun*, Song Weidong. Influence mechanism of cell-arrangement strategy on energy absorption of dual-phase hybrid lattice structure. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2023, 175: 104528.
2. Feng Genzhu, Li Shi, Xiao Lijun*, Song Weidong. Mechanical properties and deformation behavior of functionally graded TPMS structures under static and dynamic loading. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2023: 104554.
3. Xiao Lijun#*, Feng Genzhu, Li Shi, et al. Mechanical characterization of additively-manufactured metallic lattice structures with hollow struts under static and dynamic loadings. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2022, 169: 104333.
4. Xiao Lijun#, Xu Xiao, Feng Genzhu, et al. Compressive performance and energy absorption of additively manufactured metallic hybrid lattice structures. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022: 107093.
5. Yu Guoji, Li Xue, Dai Liansong, Xiao Lijun*, et al. Compressive properties of imperfect Ti-6Al-4V lattice structure fabricated by electron beam powder bed fusion under static and dynamic loadings. Additive Manufacturing, 2022, 49: 102497
6. Feng Genzhu, Li Shi, Xiao Lijun*,, et al. Energy absorption performance of honeycombs with curved cell walls under quasi-static compression. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 210: 106746.
7. Li Xue, Xiao Lijun*, Song Weidong. Compressive behavior of selective laser melting printed Gyroid structures under dynamic loading. Additive Manufacturing, 2021, 46: 102054.
8. Xiao Lijun#, Li Shi, Song Weidong, et al. Process-induced geometric defect sensitivity of Ti–6Al–4V lattice structures with different mesoscopic topologies fabricated by electron beam melting. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2020, 778: 139092.
9. Xiao Lijun#, Song Weidong, Hu Menglei, et al. Compressive properties and micro-structural characteristics of Ti–6Al–4V fabricated by electron beam melting and selective laser melting. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2019, 138204.
10. Xiao Lijun#, Song Weidong. Additively-manufactured functionally graded Ti-6Al-4V lattice structures with high strength under static and dynamic loading: Experiments. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2018, 111: 255-272.
11. Xiao Lijun#, Song Weidong, Wang Cheng, et al. Mechanical properties of open-cell rhombic dodecahedron titanium alloy lattice structure manufactured using electron beam melting under dynamic loading. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2017, 100: 75-89.
12. 肖李军,宋卫东,徐萧,徐名扬. 一种混杂型点阵芯体三明治防护结构的装置,ZL 201910774391.5
13. 宋卫东,肖李军,麻晓波. 一种XXX战斗部,ZL 201518005600.2
14. 宋卫东,于国际,肖李军. 一种考虑3D打印几何缺陷的有限元计算模型,ZL202110775257.4
- 教学工作1、主要讲授课程:
2、指导本科毕业设计获北京理工大学优秀毕业(设计)论文。 - 荣誉奖励1、2022年度教育部自然科学二等奖(2/3);
4、2018年度北京理工大学优秀博士学位论文。 - 社会兼职1、国际冲击工程协会(ISIE)会员;
3、《Defence Technology》、《材料工程》、《航空材料学报》、《高压物理学报》、《中国有色金属学报》中英文版青年编委;
5、International Journal of Mechanical Sciences、Materials and Design、Additive Manufacturing、兵工学报、振动与冲击、北京理工大学学报等期刊审稿人。